Icon Button
Button with a descriptive icon!
<button class="icon-button"> <span class="text">Attach</span> <span class="icon"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M21.586 10.461l-10.05 10.075c-1.95 1.949-5.122 1.949-7.071 0s-1.95-5.122 0-7.072l10.628-10.585c1.17-1.17 3.073-1.17 4.243 0 1.169 1.17 1.17 3.072 0 4.242l-8.507 8.464c-.39.39-1.024.39-1.414 0s-.39-1.024 0-1.414l7.093-7.05-1.415-1.414-7.093 7.049c-1.172 1.172-1.171 3.073 0 4.244s3.071 1.171 4.242 0l8.507-8.464c.977-.977 1.464-2.256 1.464-3.536 0-2.769-2.246-4.999-5-4.999-1.28 0-2.559.488-3.536 1.465l-10.627 10.583c-1.366 1.368-2.05 3.159-2.05 4.951 0 3.863 3.13 7 7 7 1.792 0 3.583-.684 4.95-2.05l10.05-10.075-1.414-1.414z"/></svg> </span> </button>
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